Sunday, 24 February 2013

Two shawls using Eisaku Noro woolen yarn

I was sent from Japan 300g of Eisaku Noro handmade woolen yarn.  I set up a warp using all this yarn and it was enough for two shawls.  For the weft I used a hand-dyed loosely spun  single thread merino wool yarn.  The weft of  the first shawl was coloured using a Kingfisher dye from Landscape and the finished shawl is 1710mm x 395mm and weighs 224g.

The weft of the second shawl was coloured using a Plum coloured dye from Gaywool.  This shawl is 1640mm x 380mm and weighs 217g.

The variable thickness of the weft yarn makes for an interesting pattern.
Both shawls will be on my stall at Perth Upmarket next Sunday, 3 March, at UWA.

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