Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Hand-woven recycled sari silk scarves

In May 2013 I went on the Himalayan Express tour arranged by Travel Directors.  Whilst in Katmandu I purchased several hanks of recycled sari silk yarn.  Off-cuts from silk sari production are reduced to the individual threads which are then re-spun making a thick, but multi-coloured, yarn.
I have now hand-woven two of these colourful yarns using a hand-dyed multi-coloured silk yarn as the warp.  The results are two thick hairy and colourful scarves.  Not fine silk, but nevertheless, silk scarves.
The first one is 1880mm x 200mm and weighs 227g.

The second one is 1660mm x 200mm and weighs 228g.

I expect them to be on my stall at Perth Upmarket on Sunday 30 November at UWA.

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